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You Can Depend on Baba - He is Utterly Unfailing - He Will Spoil You with Miracles

I want to shout it from the mountain tops, I want everyone to know...

You can depend on Baba.

I have been vigilantly surrendering to him - constantly asking him what I should do, where I should go, what I should eat - everything. I have been making him my helmsman.

My experience?

He is utterly UNFAILING.

He is anticipating everything. He puts me in the right place, at the right time, and creates these unimaginable fortunate circumstances that leaves me speechless. This is happening everyday.

When I'm struggling, he gives me patience.

When I falter, he redirects me.

When I'm worried, he gives me faith through some miracle.

When I ask him a question, he gives me the answer.

He is like a warm blanket, a safety net, a mother to a new born baby...

But so much more.

I've never felt so comforted, assured, protected, and FULL with Baba.

Words cannot begin to articulate the sense of peace and comfort that he is looking out for me EVERY SECOND. He simply will not you suffer needlessly. He will not let you be hurt, foolish, or deluded. Its absolutely incredible, this merciful mother Babaji.

He knows what I want before I do, and he makes it happen effortlessly.

I just can't say enough - I could go on and on.

What I deeply, deeply desire is for YOU to experience Baba's grace for yourself. He is so merciful, nurturing, and compassionate. He is the great child-spoiler.

If you are reading this, this is my attempt to convince you - GO TO BABA. All you have to do is think about him all the time, and allow him to work. The more you can give up what you think you ought to do, say, and be, the more you will see he will do it all for you, and in unimaginable ways. Utter perfection.

Surrender to him, and you don't ever have to worry about anything, ever again. You can rest assured he is taking care of your every need, and will put you in the right circumstances WITHOUT FAIL. He will be with you wherever you go, he will go ahead of you and organize everything in your favor. He will keep negative things away from you, and shower you with miracle after miracle. You just have to let him.

Knock down the wall between you and him, let go, and you will be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams. He is the fast track, the shortcut to you highest success.

In the name of Baba

"Make Me Your Slave."

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