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Miracle Thursdays: How to Start Your Extended Miracle Practice

The extended miracle practice is also known as the 'Sai Vrat'. It was started by Sai Baba in a miraculous way, through a devotee named 'Kokila' who was suffering. Sai Baba came to her house disguised as an old man, and gave her this practice. After completing it as instructed, Kokila's problems were solved and her life began to flourish. Additionally, she shared it with her family and friends and their problems also were solved.

Many people from all over the world have reported miracles from doing this practice. To start your own extended miracle practice, here is what you need:

1. A photo of Sai Baba

2. Incense

3. A ghee lamp

4. Flowers

5. Food

While the instructions seemed daunting, after having performed this for several weeks now, I can assure you it is very simple. Below are simple instructions you can follow to start your Sai Vrat:

  • On Thursday you wake up, take a shower, and put on some fresh clothes.

  • Light a lamp in front of your Sai Baba picture

  • Moisten a clean cloth and wipe the photo clean, and dry it

  • Place the picture on a clean yellow piece of cloth

  • Offer a flower petal, or flower with your right hand (if you don't have any, use your imagination)

  • Light an incense stick and offer it with your right hand 3 times, clock wise in front of the picture

  • Do the same thing with your ghee lamp, 3 times in front of the picture

  • Next, place a clean glass of water in front of the picture

  • Finally, place some food that you can either donate or feed to animals in front of the picture

  • BONUS: If you have sandalwood oil or paste, you can smear some on the photo or frame

  • Make a full prostration to the image with all love and offer your prayer(s)

  • Next, read the 'Sai Vrat' story towards the bottom of this page (click here)

  • After reading, if you are able, give food to family, friends, animals, or set aside to drop off at your local food shelter at your earliest

  • On the 9th Thursday, after doing the practice, share this page with at least 5 people: send an email, post to social, etc

  • On the 9th Thursday, feed people (I recommend doing this as you can feed 5 meals for every $1 you donate)

Keep in mind, with Sai Baba there are no hard an fast rules. If you don't have some of the items above, or don't follow it exactly ITS OK! Baba is not into formalities, but what he does want is your love. Just use your imagination, but most of all, do it with a feeling of love.

I sincerely wish for those who read this you experiment with this, and experience the bliss of Baba.

In the name of Baba,


"My Business is to Give Blessings."

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